Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I've Decided...

So after seeing the newer, more amazing Playstation 3 commercial I came to the realization that I'm going to have to get one eventually. I mean sure in my eyes a PS3 isn't as good as my 360 it's still a pretty good system. Plus the gaming library it has will increase and it may encompass games that I'd want that the 360 can't offer. For instance Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and Metal Gear Solid 4. I've decided to save up some money for one. The way I see it I should have enough combined money from Christmas, Income Tax, and just general left over grocery money for one. I mean it's only $500 with close to $50 for tax. So I should be able to acquire $550 by then, I hope. I'll still hang on to my PS2 cuz the emulation for PS2 and PS1 games on the PS3 isn't very good from what I hear. Oddly enough from whats been said the PS2 is actually the most difficult system to emulate. I mean the best one they have still isn't incredibly great but they did make it quite well. They actually are able to emulate the network capability of the PS2 on the PC and allow net play between the two systems. Oh and as for other stuff, I've completed Assassin's Creed. It was a great game I'd recommend it to fans of Prince of Persia or even people who like free roaming in the 11oo's. Anime related stuff includes me getting a new series for my collection, Shakugan no SHANA, I even started downloading the second season. The anime is pretty good. Umm well that pretty much it for now. Oh yeah I'm gonna try and get some more Halo 3 goin this week, that is if the homework ever stops. Also December 11 the new maps should be available in a map pack on Xbox Live (800 Microsoft Points) , so make sure you get that and on December 4 there'll be an update for Xbox Live. Anyway I guess I'll be seein ya. Possibly through my sniper scope on Valhalla (My favourite map).

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