Monday, December 24, 2007

The Awakened Spartan and the Sleeping Plummer

So after getting a few new games I came to a very interesting realization. Now for me to properly explain, let me take you back in time. It was around May 26th. The Halo 3 Beta was release to the public and I was to go on a voyage to my mom's house in a few days whihc meant that Torin had only one chance to experience Halo 3 before it was finally released. He came over and at that time I was already awake for 12 hours. Anyway we started playing and only stop for two things, food and bathroom. As the carnage continued before we knew it, it had already been 24 hours since we started. So do the math and you'll realize I was awake for 36 hours and it was all because of Halo. No as I've realized, whenever I play Halo I generally stay awake for a very long time that day. Now recently I bought Super Mario Galaxy and after about an hour of playing it I began to fall asleep. So it seems that Halo is the catalyst in my insomnia and Mario is the opposite.

Anyway Super Mario Galaxy, or SMG, is a pretty good game. The only thing is that it's either a really easy game or I just played Mario way too many times in my days. I mean I'm already halfway through the game and I've only clocked like 3-4 hours.

Now then let me tell ya of my newest games. First is Mass Effect. It's an excellent game. I mean just perfect. The sniper's rifle is a bit hard to use but it's better that way. I've already gotten 13 hours in that game and barely even scratched the surface.

Next is Wii Play. I realize this isn't a new game really but it's new to me. The game, or should I say games are pretty fun. They're boring if you're the only one playing but in multiplayer it's really enjoyable.

That's pretty much all my new games, the only other thing I have is an Assassin's Creed Faceplate and skin for my 360. It looks really sick. I mean, to put it in better words it's actually beautiful. Anyway that's all for now, I'll keep ya posted on any new happenings our any other random thoughts I happen to have. So Cya.

Monday, December 17, 2007

A Graphical Uplift...

Well I'm back in my GFX mood. I've been really creative this weekend actually. I don't just mean Photoshop, either. Also in stuff like forge in Halo 3 I've really let my creative juices flow. I made a new map using Foundry as a canvas. I call it Labyrinth Gates. A quick rundown of it's details is that I incorporated man cannons and alot of box crates. So if you don't know what foundry looks like, it's shape is essentially a big "U" with 2 bases. What I did was I extended the dividing wall and then cut that in half nd connected the two halves with bridges. In the center of the bridge is a Fuel rod cannon, because I don't feel it's used enough in the game and I think it's a pretty cool weapon. Now you may ask "Well Blood, how does one get onto the said bridges?" Well simple, that's where the man cannons come in. Now as for the rest of the map it's symmetrical but at the same time, not. See I made maze like ares on either side on the wall but the mazes aren't the same shapes. I'd say this map is perfect for any game type, especially Infection. There are two snipers and two shotties on the map. Some weapons are even hidden. I also made some shield doors and of course the very random soccer ball. Why the soccer ball? Really I just don't know why but I think it makes it look nicer. This map is of course available on my Halo 3 fileshare so go check it out and maybe even my other two maps, "Bloodgrounds" and "Hunting Grounds" also are two game types. The first is Lazy Snipers, the credit for the name goes to Torin. It takes the idea of Shotty Snipers and replaces the shotties with Spartan Lasers and then 300% speed and 50% gravity. Then there's ShSnTerritories, this is territories with shotty snipers weapon sets. Then I have a video on there which changes whenever I happen to find something particularly interesting. Currently it's on the map Rat's Nest during a Team Slayer match. I was in a battle with this one guy when I threw a plasma grenade just as a warthog drove past and the grenade somehow stayed in mid-air for a second then launched itself onto the gunner's ankle. It looked really cool too. Anyway that's all I got for now. See you people later.
Now playing: Killswitch Engage - Holy Diver
via FoxyTunes

Friday, December 14, 2007

My Rock Band Career...

No I'm not actually in a band. I've just being playing one on my TV, so to speak. Yeah I got Rock Band about 4 days ago. It's a great game. Way better than Guitar Hero. Not only does it have the extra peripherals, but the level of difficulty is much higher. For example, all that Guitar Hero does when the difficulty level is increased is add the Blue and Orange buttons and get faster. Rock Band, however, adds more notes so that the gameplay looks more similar to real guitar playing. Currently in guitar mode I've got my inner guitarist, Edges, finished with easy and medium level and just starting hard difficulty. I've also got my singer, Doctor Teeth. After I make a bass player and drummer, I'll have "Doctor Teeth and the Electric Mayhem." In other game related stuff, the Heroic Map pack for Halo 3 came out Tuesday. Out of the 3 new maps, Rat's Nest is by far my favourite. It's a huge map with a perfect mix of close quarters and vehicular shenanigans. I've still not played Foundry online and Standoff is a pretty good map, at times very chaotic but still pretty good. Well that's all I've got for now. Maybe next time I'll have my other band members' name. Oh and I have a hilarious video on my Halo 3 file share so go check it out if you want. Just go to and then look for the gamertag, "Bloodlash" and the video will be called Psi Stick. Anyway Cya...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I've Decided...

So after seeing the newer, more amazing Playstation 3 commercial I came to the realization that I'm going to have to get one eventually. I mean sure in my eyes a PS3 isn't as good as my 360 it's still a pretty good system. Plus the gaming library it has will increase and it may encompass games that I'd want that the 360 can't offer. For instance Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and Metal Gear Solid 4. I've decided to save up some money for one. The way I see it I should have enough combined money from Christmas, Income Tax, and just general left over grocery money for one. I mean it's only $500 with close to $50 for tax. So I should be able to acquire $550 by then, I hope. I'll still hang on to my PS2 cuz the emulation for PS2 and PS1 games on the PS3 isn't very good from what I hear. Oddly enough from whats been said the PS2 is actually the most difficult system to emulate. I mean the best one they have still isn't incredibly great but they did make it quite well. They actually are able to emulate the network capability of the PS2 on the PC and allow net play between the two systems. Oh and as for other stuff, I've completed Assassin's Creed. It was a great game I'd recommend it to fans of Prince of Persia or even people who like free roaming in the 11oo's. Anime related stuff includes me getting a new series for my collection, Shakugan no SHANA, I even started downloading the second season. The anime is pretty good. Umm well that pretty much it for now. Oh yeah I'm gonna try and get some more Halo 3 goin this week, that is if the homework ever stops. Also December 11 the new maps should be available in a map pack on Xbox Live (800 Microsoft Points) , so make sure you get that and on December 4 there'll be an update for Xbox Live. Anyway I guess I'll be seein ya. Possibly through my sniper scope on Valhalla (My favourite map).

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well umm I'm pretty much at a loss of thought for what to say. Hmm well since the last post I've gotten Assassin's Creed. Very incredilbe game by the way. The only errors I've seen are when you are crouching on a beam your cloak with pass through the beam. That's not much of a problem when you consider how much graphical greatness is in the game. I mean for god sakes you go to cities as large and crowded as Jerusalem without even loading between sections. It's just insane. The other error was somewhere near the beginning when a guard was stick on a rail and yeah that was interesting. Anyway I've learned about how much fun Multi-Team in Halo 3 is. I mean it's not fun when the person ou work with doesn't work with you. If you can find the perfect team mate then you can own the playing field. Let's see um what else is there to say. Oh yeah I recently changed the div overlay on my myspace page. It's pretty cool and Assassin's Creed related. I'm not a pro with div so I can't make the music and latest sig work. In fact if someone who happens the pass by my blog can help then I'll greatly appreciate it. Anyway that's all I can think of. Umm till next time I get bored.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sleeping Assassins

Well It's happened again my sleep schedule is all out of whack. I have no idea why but it seems like I'm destined to never sleep at a usual time or even within the same time frame. For example a couple days ago I was going to sleep at around 3am. The time has moved drastically since then. Yesterday I went to sleep at around 2pm and woke up at midnight and I've been up since then. We'll see when I'm to sleep tonight. At anyrate enough about my weirdness. So tomorrow is the 14th. I think we all know what that means... You don't? Well Assassin's Creed comes out tomorrow. Unfortunately I've got no money so I probably can't get it till next week I guess. It seems like this'll be another game to make me hold up in my room for awhile. This time, unlike when Halo 3 came out, I'll try to do my homework in advance like my friend did. It took me forever to catch up again after Halo 3. So that's all I could think of for now. Oh wait one more thing. I've come to a conclusion. Cell Phones increase paranoia. "How?" You may ask. Well it's very simple. You see many people suffer from what I like to call Moronic Ox syndrome. The effects of this are you get annoyed with all the people who call yet are too afraid to turn the phone off for fear you'll miss something. That second part if you couldn't guess is the paranoia. I call it what I call it because my phrase was derived from the term Oxymoron which is something that is the opposite of itself, in a sense. An example is Jumbo shrimp. Jumbo meaning large and shrimp meaning small crustaceans. Anyway back to my point. I myself have experienced this increased sense of paranoia. I noticed I was looking at my phone constantly, checking to see if I missed a call or got a text message even though I had the phone with me the whole time so I would have heard something. This is similar to people who constantly look at their watch or the clock even though this can cause the realization that your life is slowly slipping away with every tick of the second hand. Another cause of paranoia, although it may seem like common sense, is sleep deprivation. While going through this I was acting very strangely. For example I notice how slowly and cautiously I chewed my food. It was like the episode of Family Guy when Louis is taking Karate and Peter is found sitting at the kitchen table carefully eating Nilla wafers and when Brian asks what's wrong Peter says, "Last Night, Louis was...the man." I felt like I'd just gone through something as mind corrupting as that and yet I didn't. See what I mean weird stuff. Alright that's my final thought. Umm well I'm gonna go now. I'll post um more philisophical assumptions later. For now have a happy paranoid life.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Well here we go again...

You know for some reason I always say I'm gonna make a blog and keep it current but well I find that I don't live up to my own words.... Hopefully things will be different. At anyrate umm I suppose I should intro myself. So my name is Bloodlash85. If you want you can call me Blood. Anyway. I'm a college student currently and I'm going to school for computer related stuff. My dream is to be a great game designer some day. My lifestyle mostly consists of homework, video games, anime, and dealing with my little cousins. Oh and on the whole game note I do have an Xbox 360 and yes Halo 3 aswell. If you're wondering my Gamertag is "Bloodlash", minus the quotations ofcourse. Anyway umm well this blog is basically about my random thoughts on things I guess. That's more or less what the point of the title is. It's Blood Splatter as in my thoughts strewn about the web, lol. Anyway I will try to keep this current. Only time will tell though. Oh and another major thing on my blog to-do-list is to change the layout of this more to my liking. Maybe I'll make a banner and such and who knows I might even do a fully custom design. That is ofcourse if I feel up to it, lol. Anyway, see ya round.